Urgent Support

  • Image of a Phone

    Mental Health Support Line

    A freephone service available to everyone living in Derby and Derbyshire, It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    If you or your loved one are experiencing distress or anxiety, feeling that you cannot cope, or if you are having thoughts of harming yourself.

    Call: NHS 111 Press option 2

    (Available anywhere in the UK)

  • Drop in image

    Crisis Drop-in

    Offering an out-of-hours friendly and welcoming community crisis support space. The hubs are open to anyone over 18 experiencing a mental health crisis or emotional distress.

    Open Fridays and Saturdays from 6 pm to 11 pm, and Sundays from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm, in Buxton, Swadlincote and Ripley.

    For more information visit: www. bit.ly/Derbyshirecrisissupport

  • Safe haven

    Safe Haven

    A responsive, tailored support service for people over 18 who are experiencing immediate mental health needs or feel that they are experiencing a crisis.

    A compassionate and non-judgmental space offering therapeutic support.

    Located in Derby and Chesterfield.

    For information on accessing the Safe Haven please call the mental health support line 111, press option 2.

  • Papyrus


    Papyrus offers support to those under 35 who are not coping with life and maybe having suicidal thoughts.

    They offer a range of support through their HOPELINE for free 24/7

    Call: 0800 068 4141

    Text: 88247

    Email: Pat@papyrus.org.uk