School Resources and Lesson Plans

SMILERS Pen Portraits - KS1 & KS2 Lesson Plans

These pen portraits lesson plans have been designed by the Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Team, Public Health Derbyshire and aim to help children understand the importance of looking after their wellbeing during times of school year transition.

 The pen portraits could also be completed as a standalone activity. This activity links to the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) mandatory curriculum and can be a fun way to incorporate wellbeing in transition years.

These lesson plans and resources can be downloaded below.

 The lessons support insight thought around the word hope, reaching out for support, sharing and looking after wellbeing.

The target age is KS2 Children and this can be led by the class teacher with a range of activities.

 Download Resources here

If you would like to share photos of completed batons or children handing them over, you could email or tag them on social media @DCCMHSP or @batonofhopederbyshire.