Start: 08:30

Finish: 09:30

Baton Arrival: 08:30

Baton Departure: 09:00

From this launch point, there will be talks from Cllrs, MPs, and local figures about launching the baton on its trip across the dedicated route. The baton will be carried by Mental Health Motobikers and a police escort across to the University of Derby.

The first stage of the tour, the Baton will be launched from here and carried by the Mental Health MotorBikers and the Motobiking community. The Baton will travel by convo across the City over to the University of Derby where it will be handed over to the next bearer.

We would love the Motobiking community to join us for this ride along, meeting at Elverston Castle at 8:30am to be launching at 9:00am for the ride across the city.